Tuesday, 1 June 2021, 3 pm
Calle Beethoven 13, 08021 Barcelona
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Friday 28 May, 9 am-1.30 pm | 2.30 am-6 pm
Monday 31 May 9 am-1.30 pm | 2.30 am-6.30 pm
Enquiries: tel. +34 93 201 87 33 | fax +34 93 202 33 06 |
NICARAGUA. 1882. GRANADA (N NICARAGUA. 1882. GRANADA (Nicaragua) to PARIS. Envelope (one flap missing) bearing single example and strip of four, tied by GREY TOWN cds. A VERY RARE franking in superb quality. Ex. H. Wood.
Starting price: € 3.500
NORUEGA. 1856. BERGEN a STO NORUEGA. 1856. BERGEN a STOCKHOLM. 4 sk. azul pareja horizontal. Mat. BERGEN/1856 . Tasa manuscrita en anverso ´1 Sk. bco.´ . MAGNÍFICA.
Starting price: € 700
NORUEGA. 1860. KONGSBERG to NORUEGA. 1860. KONGSBERG to HAGSUND. Complete cover franked by pair 2sk. yellow tied by KONGSBERG cds. Endorse ´Magtpaaliggende´ (Registered). A fine cover.
Starting price: € 400
PALESTINA. 1827 (9 Sept.). PALESTINA. 1827 (9 Sept.). JAFFA a MADRID. Carta completa con texto dirigido al Comisario General de Tierra Santa. Extenso texto tratando varios asuntos de la Organización Misional de los Franciscanos y relato de la aparición y estragos read all
Starting price: € 750
PALESTINA. (1890 CA.). JERU PALESTINA. (1890 CA.). JERUSALEM to JAFFA. Black. Postage exemption seal.
Starting price: € 85
PALESTINA. 1898. Double rat PALESTINA. 1898. Double rate cover to GERMANY franked by two 20 pa (=1pi) tied by excellent strike of the CAMP IMPERIAL JERUSALEM cancel, with BERLIN bs. (17.11.98). Cert. N. COLLINS.
Starting price: € 200
PANAMA. 1856. PANAMA to BOG PANAMA. 1856. PANAMA to BOGOTA (Colombia). Entire letter addressed to General Tomas de Mosquera, President of Colombia (1842-45), carried privately from Panama to Colon where prepaid ´4´ (pence) in red crayon and struck with superb PAID / AT read all
Starting price: € 5.000
PANAMA. 1868. PANAMÁ a CALI PANAMA. 1868. PANAMÁ a CALIFORNIA. Entero Postal de 3 cents. rosa y negro de la Compañía WELLS FARGO (levemente reducido por la derecha), mat. WELLS FARGO/ISTHMUS AGENCY en azul. RARÍSIMA, solo cinco conocidas.
Starting price: € 300
PANAMA. 1875. PANAMA to NEW PANAMA. 1875. PANAMA to NEWARK (England). Envelope franked with 4d. vermilion (pl. 14) single example, pair and strip of six, tied by B.P.O. C 35 and PANAMA cds. used on triple rate cover. Minor faults in one stamp but a stunning and VERY read all
Starting price: € 2.000
PANAMA. 1877. PANAMA to LON PANAMA. 1877. PANAMA to LONDON. Entire letter bearing one strip of three of G. B. 4d. sage green stamp (pl. 15) tied by C 35 obliterator in black. Endorsed ´pr. Nile´. A VERY RARE franking. Ex. G. Glassco.
Starting price: € 1.500