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ments and addictions subsequent to the   Guido Reni (Bottega- studio): in our   the  risk  of  deterioration  and  of  damage
            date of publications of the work.   opinion a work executed in the studio   of the lots will pass to the buyer upon
            No  refund  will  be  considered  for  books   or workshop of the ar tist, but by an un-  deliver y of the lots.  the deliver y of the
            not described in the catalogue.   known ar tist                     lots will only occur upon the full payment
            Poster auction:                   Guido Reni (Cerchia-circle of): in our   of the purchase price.
            •  Condition  a  Poster  in  ver y  fine  con-  opinion a work of  an unknown  ar tist   19 – Claims
            dition.  colors are fresh; no paper loss.   made during the life of the ar tist.  aste Bolaf fi will consider only those
            Some slight defect or tear but ver y mar-  Guido Reni (seguace-follower): in our   claims regarding disputes over authen-
            ginal.  a+: wonder ful example of a post-  opinion a work of an unknown ar tist,   ticit y of lots, the existence of serious
            er rarely seen in such fine condition.  a-:   not necessar y his scholar, also executed   flaws or concealed defects and/or the
            some slight dir t, fold, tear or other minor   much recently.       non-conformit y of the lot purchased to
            restoration.                      Guido Reni (stile-style): in our opinion a   that described in the auction catalogue
            •  Condition B Poster in good condition.   work by a painter working in the ar tist   and available for pre-auction viewing.  in
            Some slight paper loss, but not in the   st yle, contemporar y or nearly contempo-  this connection, defects that the buyer
            image or in any impor tant area.  if some   rar y.                  should have been aware of at the time of
            restoration  it is  not immediately evident.   Guido Reni (maniera o scuola-manner or   purchase will not be considered defects
            lines and colors good, paper may have   school): in our opinion a work executed   of conformit y as the buyer, having had
            yellowed.  B+:  poster  in  ver y  good  condi-  in the ar tist st yle by an unknown ar tist   the oppor tunit y to view the lot in the
            tion. B-: in fairly good condition.  influenced  by  him also in a  much  later   catalogue or during its showing prior to
            • Condition C Poster in fair condition. the   period.               sale, could not have failed to obser ve it
            light-staining may be more pronounced,   da Guido Reni (from Guido Reni):  in  our   making use of ordinar y diligence. Possi-
            restorations, folds or flaking are more   opinion a copy of a known work of the   ble claims should be sent by registered
            readily visible, and possibly some minor   ar tist.                 let ter within 15 (fif teen) calendar days:
            paper loss occurs. the poster is other wise   firmato/datato/iscritto (signed/dated/  (i) from the date of the deliver y of the
            intact, the image clear, and the colors still   inscribed): in our opinion the work has   lot  following  the  auction,  in  the  case  of
            faithful to the ar tist's intent.  been signed/dated/inscribed by the ar t-  purchases by persons present in the sale-
            •  Condition  d Poster in bad condition.   ist.                     room, including those represented by
            a large part of such poster may be miss-  Reca firma/reca data/reca iscrizione   agents, commission agents or interme-
            ing,  including  some  important  image  area;   (With signature/with date/with) inscrip-  diaries;
            colors.                           tion): in our opinion the signature/date/  (ii) from the date of the receipt of the lot
                                              inscription  appears to  be by a  hand  oth-
            13 – extensions/expertise         er than that of the ar tist. aste Bolaf fi re-  delivered by courier, in the case of pur-
            the auctioneer shall have the right at his   ser ves the right to express its own opin-  chases by of fers via correspondence or
            absolute discretion to accept or refuse   ion with regard to the author, at tribution,   by telephone or online;
            any request for cer tifications of authen-  origin, dating and condition of the lots in   claims are not accepted in any case:
            ticit y.  it should be noted, however, that   the  catalogue.  it  is, in any  case, an  opin-  (a) per taining to flaws or defects express-
            extensions are not accepted for lots if the   ion and is not to be considered an exper t   ly described in the catalogue and easily
            description in the catalogue mentions   judgment by any means.      discernable in photographs of the lot
            that  they  are  accompanied  by  photo-  Philatelic auction:       during the pre-auction viewing;
            graphic cer tification.  we fur ther specif y   K mint   D cancelled   (b) per taining to multiple lots such as col-
            that any concession of extensions/exper t   O front cover           lections or accumulations of any kind;
            appraisals does not alter the terms of   L hinged   N piece         (c) per taining to assor ted lots of stamps
            payment detailed in section 8.    A cover                           or coins not described individually;
                                                                                (d) pertaining to lots explicitly described in
            14 - Catalogues                   I without gum                     the auction catalogue as “to be examined”;
            numismatic auction: classifications refer                           (e) per taining to the state of conser vation
            to the following catalogues:      numismatic auction:               of lots, the evaluation of such state being
            Bol. (Bolaf fi  catalogue of coins and   ac (acmonital)  ae (Bronze)  ag (Sil-  subjective and sales subject to the clause
            banknotes – Kingdom of Sardinia, King-  ver)   al  (aluminum)  an  (antimony)  “as seen and found acceptable”;
            dom of  italy, and  italian Republic), Bol.   au (Gold)   Ba (Bronzital)   Cn (Nick-  (f) per taining to flaws and defects at trib-
            Vat. (Bolaf fi catalogue of cit y of Vatican   el-copper)   Cu (copper)   el (electro)    utable to the  purchase's  actions subse-
            coins) Bab. (Babelon), Bar tolot ti, Biaggi,   it  (italma)  m.b. (white metal)  ma (Silver   quent to deliver y of the lot.
            Bohering calciati, casolari, B.M.c. (British   plated metal)  md (Gilded metal)  mi (Mix-  (g)  af ter 60 days have passed from the
            Museum catalogue), ciani, c.N.i. (corpus   ture)  ni (Nickel)  ott. (Brass)  Pb (lead) Pe   auction date.
            Nummorum  italicorum),  cra. (crapan-  (Pew ter) Pl (Platinum) sn (tin) Zn (Zinc)  aste Bolaf fi will respond in writing to the
            zano/Giulianini), cra. Vol. ii (crapanzano/                         claim within 60 days of receipt.
            Giulianini vol. ii), craw f. (craw ford), coh.   Jewels auction:    aste Bolaf fi will honor claims only when
            (cohen),  crippa, Dav. (Davenpor t), Di   Jewels by Cartier. this term implies that,   the lot is judged by t wo exper ts named
            Giulio, D.O.c. (Dumbar ton Oaks  collec-  in view of the related signatures, charac-  by each par t y to be unauthentic, af fected
            tion), Friedb. (Friedberg), Gad. (Gadour y),   teristics, hallmarks, the lot is, in our opin-  by serious flaws or hidden defects and/
            Galeot ti, Gig. (Gigante), Gav. (Gavello   ion, cer tainly at tributed to the specific   or not conforming to the description in
            1996)  Guadàn,  Gulbenkian,  Haeb.  (Hae-  marker.  any other term used in the cat-  the  auction catalogue.  in  such  cases the
            berlin) Heiss, Herzfelder, Jenkins e  lew-  alogue does not warrant the at tribution   purchaser will be refunded only with the
            is, Krause, Mesio, Müller, Mont. (Monte-  of the item.              amount  corresponding  to  the  purchase
            negro), Mont. Ve. (Montenegro Venezia),   16 – Cultural Heritage codes  and to the shipping cost.  any other re-
            Muntoni, M.zu. a . (Miller zu  aicholds),   any lots that may be subject to commu-  fund or reimbursement  is  expressly  ex-
            Pag. (Pagani), Pozzi, Rav. (Ravegnani Mo-  nication for the star t of the procedure for   cluded, except in case of fraud or serious
            rosini), R.i.c. (Roman  imperial  coinage),   the declaration of their cultural interest   negligence.
            Rizzo, Seaby, Sears, Schl. (Schlumberger),   pursuant to ar ticle 14 and thereaf ter of   20 – Post-auction sales
            Sim. Simonet ti.                  legislative Decree no. 42/2004, the gran-  For 30 days af ter the auction, aste Bolaf fi
            Philatelic auction:  catalogue numbers   tors and buyers are required to comply   of fers the chance to purchase unsold lots
            and  values  indicated  at  the  end  of  each   with the relative provisions in force and,   via  the  Buy now  section  on  www.aste-
            description refer to the following cata-  in that case,  aste Bolaf fi at its exclusive, where you can bid for available
            logues: Bolaf fi and Sassone for  italy and   discretion, may proceed with a tempo-  lots at the star ting amount plus commis-
            italian  area: Yver t  tellier and  catalogo   rar y award of the lot.  sion. aste Bolaf fi reser ves the right to re-
            unificato for europe and Yver t tellier and   17 – Resale royalties “droit de suite”  fuse a bid.
            Stanley Gibbons for all other countries.   legal obligations concerning the “Droit
            Other references are specifically quoted.  de Suite” (D.lgs. 118 of 13/02/06) are ac-  BY SuBMit tiNG a PuRcHaSe ORDeR OR
                                                                                BiDDiNG iN tHe SaleROOM, tHe BuYeR
            15 – Catalogue terms              complished by aste Bolaf fi       FullY  accePtS  all  tHe  cONDitiONS
            furniture and painting auction:   18 – Conditional sale             OF Sale DetaileD  aBOVe  aND SPecial
            Guido Reni: in our opinion a work by the   the lots are sold by the auction house   NOticeS.  aNY DiSPutS  aRiSiNG  iN Re-
            ar tist                           with conditional sale in accordance to ar t.   l atiON  witH  tHeSe GeNeR al  cONDi-
            Guido Reni (attribuito-attributed): in   1523 of the  civil  code and therefore the   tiONS  aND SPecial NOticeS SHall Be
            our opinion probably a work by the ar tist   buyer will not acquire title to the lots un-  SuBMit teD  tO  tHe  eXcluSiVe JuRiS-
            in whole or in par t              til the full payment of the purchase price.   DictiON OF tHe cOuRt OF tuRiN.

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