Page 103 - Aste Bolaffi - Moda vintage - Novembre 2024, Torino
P. 103

14 - Limitation of Aste Bolaffi’s liability  source, its quality, including the price or value, solely reflect   of delivery of the lot shall be presumed to have existed
            Except in the case of wilful misconduct or gross negli-  assessments  made  in  good faith  by  Aste  Bolaffi  and  can   at the time of delivery unless this presumption is incom-
            gence, Aste Bolaffi and its employees, assistants, directors   be reviewed and changed at any time by Aste Bolaffi. The   patible  with  the  type  of  lot  or  the  nature of the  lack  of
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            lating to the preparation or management of the auction   or place any reliance on such representations.  of the product, it will instead be the burden of the buyer
            or any matter relating to the sale of the lots. Except in the   18 – Verification of cultural interest  to prove that the lack of conformity already existed at
            case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence, Aste Bolaffi   Aste Bolaffi in its sole discretion may temporarily award   the time of delivery. In order to use the Legal Warranty,
            shall not under any circumstances be liable for indirect or   lots that, before or during the auction, are subjected to the   the buyer will need to provide evidence of the date of
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            loss of opportunities. Any possible liability of Aste Bolaffi   of cultural interest referred to in Article 14 et seq. of Italian   for buyers to keep the purchase invoices, delivery notes
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            tion with the purchase of a lot by the latter shall be limited   of Cultural Heritage”).  In  the  event  of  temporary  award   delivery of lots. It is assumed that the purchased lot is
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            15 – Expert reports and certificates  sale completion will be subject to the ruling made by the   description given in the catalogue, in expert reports or
            Aste Bolaffi reserves the right to issue expert reports/ex-  relevant Ministry regarding the status of the property as   reports by Aste Bolaffi or in any accompanying documen-
            tensions when requested by the buyer. Expert reports are   a “cultural heritage item” and the failure by the Ministry   tation; (iii) provides the usual quality and performance of
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            antee  regarding  sold  lots.  Only  in  the  cases  provided  for   19 – Droit de suite (Artist’s Resale Royalty)  or sale and Aste Bolaffi accepted this. Any failures or mal-
            by Art. 64 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 42 of 22 January   Italian Legislative Decree no. 118 of 13 February 2006, im-  functions due to accidental events or the responsibility of
            2004, Aste Bolaffi, upon request from the buyer shall pro-  plementing Directive 2001/84/EC, introduced into Italian   the buyer are excluded from the scope of the Legal War-
            vide the buyer with a statement containing all information   law the right of authors of works of art and manuscripts,   ranty, as well as any use or storage of the lot that does
            available on the authenticity of the lot or on its probable   and their successors, to receive a fee on the price of each   not comply with its intended use and/or the provisions in
            attribution and provenance.       sale of the original work subsequent to the first sale (so-  the documentation accompanying the lot. Furthermore,
            16 – Numismatic auction catalogues  called “droit de suite”). The “droit de suite” is due only if   there is no Legal Warranty of any kind, if at the time of
            The catalogues used as references are as follows: Bol. (Aste   the sale price is not less than 3,000.00 Euro. It is calculat-  the award or sale, the buyer was aware of the lack of con-
            Bolaffi catalogue of coins and banknotes - Kingdom of   ed as follows: • 4% for the portion of the sale price from   formity or could not have failed to be aware of it with
            Sardinia, the Kingdom of Italy and Italian Republic), Bol.   € 0 to € 50,000.00; • 3% for the portion of the sale price   ordinary due diligence or if the lack of conformity stems
            Vat. (Aste Bolaffi catalogue of Vatican City coins) Bab.   from € 50,000.01 to € 200,000.00; • 1% for the portion of   from information or materials provided by the buyer. Each
            (Babelon), Bartolotti, Biaggi, Bohering Calciati, Cottag-  the sale price from € 200,000.01 to € 350,000.00; • 0.5%   auction is preceded by a public viewing that allows po-
            es,  BMC  (British  Museum  catalogue),  Ciani,  CNI  (Corpus   for the portion of the sale price from € 350,000.01 to €   tential buyers to examine the lots in person or through
            Nummorum  Italicorum),  Cra.  (Crapanzano/  Giulianini),   500,000.00; •  0.25%  for  the  portion  of the sale price ex-  trusted representatives and establish their authenticity,
            Cra.  Vol. II (Crapanzano/Giulianini vol. II), Crawf. (Craw-  ceeding € 500,000.00, for a total amount not exceeding   state of conservation, provenance, characteristics, quali-
            ford), Coh. (Cohen), Crippa, Dav. (Davenport), Di Giulio,   € 12,500.00. Aste Bolaffi is required to collect and remit   ties and possible defects and flaws. In the event of a lack
            D.O.C. (Dumbarton Oaks Collection), Friedb. (Friedberg),   the “droit de suite” to the Italian Society of Authors and   of conformity duly reported within the terms, the buyer
            Gad. (Gadoury), Galeotti, Gig. (Gigante), Gav. (Gavello)   Publishers (SIAE). In addition to the price and the buyer’s   shall be entitled: (i) primarily, to the free repair or replace-
            Guadàn, Gulbenkian, Haeb. (Haeberlin) Heiss, Herzfelder,   premium and other expenses, the buyer agrees to pay the   ment of the lot, according to his/her choice, except when
            Jenkins and Lewis, Krause, Mesio, Müller, Mont. (Monte-  “droit de suite”, which should be paid to the Seller under   the requested remedy is impossible or excessively expen-
            negro), Mont. Ve. (Montenegro Venezia), Muntoni, M.zu.A.   Article 152, paragraph I, of Italian Law no. 633 of 22 April   sive to perform compared to the other option; (ii) sec-
            (Miller zu Aicholds), Pag. (Pagani), Pozzi, Rav. (Ravegnani   1941. The “droit de suite” will be charged in accordance   ondly, (i.e. where the repair or replacement is impossible
            Morosini), R.I.C. (Roman Imperial Coinage), Rizzo, Seaby,   with Article 10 above.  or prohibitively expensive or the repair or replacement
            Sears, Schl. (Schlumberger), Sim. Simonetti. Philatelic auc-  20 – Absence of the right of withdrawal  has not been carried out within a reasonable time or the
            tion: The numbering refers to that of Bolaffi and Sassone   Online offers and sale of lots online by Aste Bolaffi con-  previous repair or replacement caused significant incon-
            catalogues for the Ancient Italian States, Kingdom of Italy,   stitute a distance contract governed by Chapter I, Title   venience to the buyer) to a price reduction or termination
            Italian Republic and Italian countries, to the Yvert-Telli-  III (Arts. 45 et seq.) of the Consumer Code and Italian   of the contract, according to his/her choice. The request-
            er catalogue and to the Unificato for Europe and to the   Legislative Decree no. 70 of 9 April 2003, containing the   ed remedy is too expensive if it imposes unreasonable
            Yvert-Tellier and Stanley Gibbons catalogue for Overseas.   provisions governing e-commerce. Article 59, paragraph   costs on the Seller in comparison to alternative remedies
            Any reference to other catalogues will be indicated spe-  1, sub-para. m) of the Consumer Code excludes the right   that may be exercised, taking into account (i) the value
            cifically.                        of withdrawal as regards contracts concluded in a pub-  that the lot would have if it were not for the lack of con-
            17 – Terms used in catalogues     lic auction, as the auctions organised by Aste Bolaffi are,   formity; (ii) the extent of the lack of conformity; (iii) the
            Furniture and paintings auction: Guido Reni: in our opin-  which also provide the opportunity of participating online.   possibility that the alternative remedy may be completed
            ion  authentic  work  by  the  artist.  Guido  Reni  (attributed):   Therefore, there is no right of withdrawal in relation to lots   without significant inconvenience to the buyer.
            in our opinion probably work at least partly done by the   auctioned in this manner.  24 – Applicable law
            artist. Guido Reni (workshop): in our opinion work creat-  21 – Sale with retention of title  These Terms and Conditions and every sales contract with
            ed in the artist’s workshop, but by an unidentified artist.   Lots are awarded or sold by Aste Bolaffi with retention of   Aste Bolaffi and/or the Seller shall be governed in all re-
            Guido Reni (circle): in our opinion the work of an unidenti-  title under Article 1523 of the Italian Civil Code and the   spects by Italian law.
            fied artist, produced during the lifetime of the cited artist.   ownership of the lots will be transferred to the buyer only
            Guido Reni (follower): in our opinion the work of an uni-  when the full purchase/sale price has been received. The   25 – Jurisdiction
            dentified artist, not necessarily a pupil of the cited artist,   risk of loss or damage of lots will be transferred to the   Any dispute relating to these Terms and Conditions and
            potentially produced at a later date. Guido Reni (style): in   buyer upon their delivery. The obligation to deliver sold   any sales contract with  the Seller and/or  Aste Bolaffi,
            our opinion a work executed in the style of the artist in   lots is subject to the prior payment of the price due and of   including those relating to their interpretation, execu-
            contemporary or quasi-contemporary times. Guido Reni   any other amount due to Aste Bolaffi in full by the buyer   tion, termination or validity, shall be referred exclusively
            (manner or school): in our opinion a work executed in the   according to these Terms and Conditions.   to the Court of Turin, except in cases where the buyer is
            style of the artist by an unidentified artist but who is in-        a  “consumer”  under  Art.  18,  paragraph  1,  sub-para.  a)  of
            fluenced by him/her, even in a period well after the artist’s   22 – Post-auction sales  the Consumer Code (Italian Legislative Decree no. 206 of
            death. From Guido Reni: in our opinion a copy of a known   In the thirty days following the auction date, Aste Bolaffi   6 September 2005) in which case it will be settled by the
            painting of the artist. Signed/Dated/Inscribed: in our opin-  offers the chance to purchase any lots still unsold online   court of residence or domicile of the consumer. Pursuant
            ion the signature and/or date and/or inscription is by the   in the “Compra Subito (Buy Now)” section of the website   to Art. 141-sexies, paragraph 3 of the Consumer Code, Aste
            artist’s hand. Bears signature/bears date/bears inscription:, where it is possible to make a binding   Bolaffi  informs  the  buyer  who  qualifies  as  a  “consumer”
            in our opinion the signature/date/inscription appears to be   offer for the lots that are still available, at the auction start-  that when a complaint or application is submitted in rela-
            of another hand and/or of other era. Aste Bolaffi reserves   ing price plus the traditional buyer’s premium. Aste Bolaffi   tion to which it has not been possible to resolve the dis-
            the right to express its own opinion related to the artist,   reserves the right to refuse the offer received.   pute in question, Aste Bolaffi will provide the information
            attribution, origin, dating, provenance and condition of   23 – Legal warranty for consumers  about the Alternative Dispute Resolution body or bodies
            the lots in the catalogue. It is, in any case, an opinion and   If the Seller of a lot is a “professional” pursuant to the   for out-of-court settlements of disputes relating to obliga-
            should not be considered in any way an expert judgement.  provisions of Art. 18, paragraph 1, sub-para. b) of the   tions arising from a contract concluded under these Terms
            Philatelic auction:               Consumer Code (Italian Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6   and Conditions (the so-called ADR bodies, as specified in
            K mint D cancelled O front cover   September 2005), a legal warranty of conformity will be   Articles 141-bis et seq. of the Consumer Code), specifying
            L  hinged  N  fragment  A  letter-aerogramme  I  without   applied to the lot awarded or sold through Aste Bolaffi   whether or not it intends to resort to the use of such bod-
            gum                               under Articles 128-135 of the Consumer Code (hereinafter   ies to resolve the dispute. Aste Bolaffi also states that a
            Numismatic auction:  Ac (Acmonital),  Ae (Bronze),  Ag   “Legal Warranty”). The Legal Warranty is reserved only   European platform for the on-line resolution of consumer
            (Silver),  Al  (Aluminium),  An  (Antimonium),  Au  (Gold),  Ba   to buyers who are natural persons and participate in the   disputes (so-called ODR platform) has been established.
            (Bronzital), Cn (Copper-nickel), Cu (Copper), El (Electro), It   auction or sale for purposes that do not fall under the   The ODR platform can be viewed at the following web
            (Italma),  M.b. (White metal),  Ma (Silver-plated metal),  Md   categories of trade, industry, craft or other professional   address; through the
            (Gilded metal),  Mi (Mixture),  Ni (Nichel),  Ott. (Brass),  Pb   activities.  Since  all  lots  are  “preowned  goods”  pursuant   ODR  platform the consumer  user  can  consult the  list of
            (Lead), Pe (Pewter), Pl (Platinum), Sn (Tin), Zn (Zinc)  to and for the purposes of Art. 134, paragraph 2, of the   ADR bodies, find the link to the website of each of them
            Jewellery auction: Cartier Jewel. This wording implies that   Consumer Code, the Seller is liable to the buyer for any   and start an online resolution procedure of the dispute in
            in our opinion the object is, due to signatures, characteris-  lack of conformity which exists at the time of delivery of   which they are involved.
            tics, marks, attributable to the maison indicated. It is under-  the product and that become apparent within 1 (one) year
            stood that any written or verbal representation provided   from the date of delivery. The lack of conformity must be
            by Aste Bolaffi, including those contained in the catalogue,   reported to Aste Bolaffi or to the Seller, under penalty of   WHEN SUBMITTING ABSENTEE BID, SALEROOM BID,
            reports, comments or appraisals concerning any character-  forfeiture of the warranty, within two months from the   TELEPHONE OR ONLINE BID, THE BIDDERS CONFIRMS
            istic of a lot, such as authorship, authenticity, provenance,   date it was discovered. Unless proved otherwise, any lack   THAT THEY HAVE READ AND ACCEPTED ALL THE TERMS
            attribution, origin, date, age, period, cultural origin or   of conformity which becomes apparent within six months   AND CONDITIONS OF SALE AS LISTED ABOVE.
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