Page 74 - Asta Gioielli 204
P. 74



                                                                 302  302
                                                                      ANTICO PENDENTE IN ORO E ARGENTO DORATO
 301                                                                  a forma di croce latina ornata di paste vitree incolori in castoni a notte
 ANTICHI ORECCHINI IN DIAMANTI                                        in oro giallo. Circa 1780.
 in oro e argento a motivo naturalistico con diamanti taglio rosa.    Gr 14,40 - cm 9,00 x 3,80
 In scatola originale. Circa 1850.
 Gr 7,90 - cm 3,50 x 1,60                                             ANTIQUE GOLD AND GILDED SILVER PENDANT
 ANTIQUE PAIR OF DIAMOND EARRINGS                                     designed as a Latin cross adorned with colourless pastes
 in gold and silver with naturalistic motif in rose-cut diamonds.     in yellow gold closed back collet-settings. Circa 1780.
 In original fitted case. Circa 1850.
 € 400                                                                € 1.000

74                                                                    303
                                                                      ANTICA SPILLA IN ORO PERLE E SMALTO
                                                                      realizzata in oro giallo con mazzo di fiori con petali policromi
                                                                      in smalto centrati da perle, legato da fiocco e ornato da foglie
                                                                      e farfalle che incorniciano un’aquila con una grande perla sul petto.
                                                                      Qualche mancanza allo smalto.
                                                                      Gr 31,20 - cm 9,50 x 5,50

                                                                      ANTIQUE ENAMEL PEARLS AND GOLD BROOCH
                                                                      designed as a yellow gold bunch of flowers with polychrome petals
                                                                      centering pearls, tied by a bow and adorned with enameled leaves
                                                                      and butterflies framing an eagle with a large pearl on the brest.
                                                                      Some small defects to the enamel.

                                                                      € 1.200
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