Page 113 - auto sfogliabile
P. 113

o da Felix Wankel è buona:      Felix Wankel’s idea of an engine was great: light, easy
  giri, divertente ma, con un   to rev up, and fun. But it had higher specific fuel con-
                                sumption than its competitors. Mazda, which believed
 urante superiore ai concor-    in this engine over the years, winning the 24 Hours of
ni ha creduto in questo mo-     Le Mans with it, showed that, through development,
 o la 24 Ore di Le Mans, ha     it could be made reliable and efficient even in terms
uppo è stato possibile ren-     of consumption and emissions. NSU, once part of the
 nte anche in termini di con-   Volkswagen Group, today is incorporated into Audi,
                                where the RO 80 is considered the forerunner of the
  NSU era parte del Gruppo      100. Thanks to the power steering and three-speed
 a inglobata nell’Audi, dove,   gearbox with torque converter, the RO 80 is easy and
 rata l’antesignana della 100.  fun to drive, and once the engine exceeds 3,500 rpm it
 dare, grazie al servosterzo    becomes a true sports car. The carefully studied aero-
con convertitore di coppia,     dynamics, with the high tail and wide glasses area, an-
  diventa una vera sportiva.    ticipate what the German group went on to propose
 ta con la coda alta e la su-   years later with the Audi brand. The vehicle up for sale
 ticipano quanto il Gruppo      has always been with the same family and boasts per-
hio Audi anni dopo. L’esem-     fectly preserved bodywork, mechanics and interiors.
 re di proprietà della stessa   A unique opportunity to buy a preserved RO 80. The
 te conservato sia di carroz-   lot includes a spare windshield to replace the original,
 interni. Un’occasione unica    chipped one.
abrezza di ricambio per so-

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