Page 125 - auto sfogliabile
P. 125


 a nel 1953, in molti hanno      As soon as it was unveiled in 1953, it was clear to many
 aria aveva tutte le carte in    that this super-compact car was destined to be a huge
 ficoltà legate alla produzio-   success. Because of difficulties with its production in
erminare l’assemblaggio nel      Bresso, in 1955, by which time just 800-900 had been
 0 pezzi prodotti. L’Isetta ha   built in total, it was withdrawn from the assembly line.
 ndiale, con modifiche mini-     But the Isetta nevertheless achieved worldwide suc-
 realizzata all’estero. La vet-  cess, thanks to its production, with minimal modifica-
 ncora con il suo motore Iso     tions, abroad. The car offered (chassis #206, still paired
delle rarissime ISO prodotte     with its original Iso Moto 200 engine) is one of the very
a Mille Miglia. Venduta il 24    rare ISOs built in Bresso and it is eligible to participate
 labria, intestata a tal Marra   in the Mille Miglia. Sold in Reggio Calabria on February
55 al secondo proprietario, il   24th, 1954, to its first owner, a Mr Giuseppe Marra, the
a dell’assistenza ISO Moto a     following year it entered the possession of its second
officina. Per questo motivo      owner, the mechanic responsible for ISO Moto assis-
 ornamenti previsti dal nuo-     tance in Reggio, and was left parked in the workshop.
egli anni, viene radiata d’uf-   For this reason, in 1959, it failed to receive the updates
 , nei primi anni '80, la porta  envisaged by the new highway code, and some years
                                 later was officially de-registered. A third owner, in the
  proprietario la compra e la    early 1980s, took it to Rome. In 2013 the current owner
 pleto presso l’officina, spe-   bought it and had it completely restored by ISO spe-
 li di Milano. Dopo 5 anni di    cialists Mario Gerli of Milan. Now, after five years of
 ed offerta in vendita, per-     work, the car is ready. It is offered for sale in perfect
                                 working order and with very few kilometers on the
  con pochissimi chilometri      clock.

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