Page 165 - auto sfogliabile
P. 165
mico, le auto sono uno dei Cars were a real symbol of the wellbeing brought by
giunto. Il successo è delle the post-war economic boom years in Italy, and open
scono a fare meglio di Alfa models were particularly popular. Few manufacturers
o bialbero una carrozzeria made these better than Alfa Romeo, whose Spider
arina, capace di fare sogna- combined a twin-cam engine with a gorgeous open
uella della Serie 105 e, dopo body, designed by Pininfarina. Based on the mechanics
el 1966, è il turno della “coda of the 105 series and, following on from the “boat-tail”
re più veloce, come sugge- Spider unveiled in 1966, it features a “truncated rear”
amiche del professor Wuni- that, inspired by the research of aerodynamicist Wuni-
bald Kamm, was designed for greater speed.
sa trovano spazio sotto il Different size engines were installed in this model: the
più apprezzati, perché è af- 1300 cc is one of the best loved, being reliable, pow-
er 170 chilometri/ora) e con- erful (90 HP, allowing it to reach 170 kilometers/hour)
erta è una 1300 immatrico- and easy on gas. The car being offered for sale is a 1300
el 1975, venduta al secondo that was registered in Milan on May 6th, 1975. In 1986
el 1986 (che poi trasferirà la it was sold to its second owner, who lived in Berga-
mo, but moved to Milan in 1989. The car entered the
9) e, recentemente entrata ownership of its current owner only recently. It was he
e proprietario, È lui che, nel who, in 2017, commissioned the Alfa Garage (recently
Garage di Legnano (aperta opened but part of Fratelli Cozzi, which was an Alfa
Romeo dealership from 1955 to 2016) to overhaul the
Fratelli Cozzi che, dal 1955 mechanical parts and Lapo Elkann’s Garage Italia to
aria Alfa Romeo) un restau- give the interiors an exclusive makeover.
ed al Garage Italia di Lapo
usivo degli interni.
Classic motor vehicles