Page 217 - auto sfogliabile
P. 217
eria elvetica Gangloff è an- Few people know this, but the Swiss firm Gangloff, once
el campo delle cabine di ri- a coachbuilder, is still in business today, now operating in
. L’attività di carrozziere per the field of ski lift cabins. It abandoned its luxury coach-
abbandonata nell'immedia- building in the immediate post-WWII period, having
opo avere carrozzato i telai dressed some of the world’s finest chassis, particularly
, con una predilezione per Bugatti ones. Indeed, Gangloff has a factory in Colmar,
gloff ha uno stabilimento a France, which is near Molsheim, where Bugatti cars have
always been produced.
Molsheim, dove le Bugatti Its creations on Alfa Romeo chassis, on the other hand,
are very rare, and naturally each one is different from the
fa Romeo sono, invece, ra- next, even though they are almost all prepared as road-
una è diversa dall'altra, per sters. The car being offered, built in 1930, sees a Gangloff
llestite cabriolet. La vettura body combined with the rolling chassis of the 6C 1750
30, è allestita sul telaio del- Gran Turismo, presented in 1930, a chassis that was in-
esentato proprio nel 1930 e tended essentially for creations of this type, which have
per creazioni di questo tipo, no competitive aspirations but are breathtakingly ele-
ma ricche di un'eleganza gant.
The mechanical parts, designed by the legendary Vit-
dal mitico Vittorio Jano, è torio Jano, are those of the Sport version, which had a
pio albero a camme in testa, dual overhead camshaft. The Sport had been unveiled
nte al Salone dell'automobi- at the previous year’s Rome Motor Show as a version
e versioni della debuttante of the new 6C 1750, an evolution of the 6C 1500 that in
6C 1500 che negli anni pre- previous years had brought Alfa Romeo much success,
o tanto successo, sia nelle both in racing and on the road. The 1750 was to add to
this success, to the extent that it became legendary. This
Romeo. La 1750 aumenterà Grand Touring delivers 55 HP and the sophisticated in-
cesso, al punto da entrare
a a disposizione di questa
Classic motor vehicles