Page 225 - auto sfogliabile
P. 225
modello di piccole dimen- The Augusta was the first small model produced by
a. Per la sua progettazione, Lancia, and it was penned by designers who had been
ogettisti furono molto chia- given very clear instructions: to offer customers exactly
the same silence and comfort as provided by the latest
dovuto far rimpiangere le Lambda series. Indeed, Lancia envisaged that the pro-
tà e comodità delle ultime spective purchasers of this new model would, on the
cia, infatti, si aspettava che whole, be their usual clientele, but now needing more
iù o meno la stessa di sem- modest cars in the wake of the crisis that had hit the
un più basso profilo dopo la Western economies in the late 1920s. Also, in Italy, there
e economie occidentali alla was the need to comply with the regime’s desire for
necessità di accontentare i lower-consuming cars that would not impact too much
Italia, chiedeva vetture più on the foreign balance of payments. The Augusta was
do da non incidere troppo premiered at the Paris Motor Show of October 1932, and
ti con l’estero. L'Augusta ha those who got the chance to try it out immediately con-
ne di Parigi dell'Ottobre 1932 firmed that the designers had excelled themselves. To
mò immediatamente che il achieve their remarkable feat, the men at Lancia had, as
ato ineccepibile. Per farcela, with the Lambda, used a unitary construction body, but
orsi nuovamente alla scocca in this case one designed and built according to much
da, ma concepita e costrui- more modern criteria, to the point that it constituted a
derni tanto da costituire una groundbreaking new development in the automotive
automobilistico. Confortata field. Encouraged by the amazing success of their “light
della loro 'vettura leggera' - car”, as it was advertised, in April 1934, Lancia prepared
la Lancia appronta, nell'A- its special self-supporting frame: the “Tipo 234” chassis,
te scatolato Tipo 234 desti- which was sold to coachbuilders. Very light and low, and
eggero ed abbassato grazie with the transmission contained in the tunnel, it left de-
bero di trasmissione, lascia signers plenty of scope to use their imagination. The fuel
ità degli stilisti così come il
Classic motor vehicles