Page 233 - auto sfogliabile
P. 233


 ce finalmente a dare un'ere-      In 1950, Gianni Lancia finally managed to produce a suc-
  ata la gioia e il vanto di suo   cessor to the Aprilia that had been the pride and joy of his
  ’avveniristico modello, che      father, 'Monsù' Vincenzo; the new futuristic model, named
 ettato da Vittorio Jano e si      Aurelia B10, was designed by Vittorio Jano. It had beautiful
 oluzionaria, con le sue linee     flowing lines, with the fenders now completely absorbed
  i completamente assorbiti        into the body, and it was equipped with a 1.75-liter V6 en-
 re V6 da 1,75 litri, un gioiello  gine. In short, it was truly revolutionary a wonderful creation
 ner De Virgilio.                  born of the talent of engineer De Virgilio.
dizione della Casa, accanto        In accordance with an established Lancia tradition, the com-
ncia predispone subito due         pany also immediately prepared two separate platforms to
 e ai carrozzieri: il B50 ed il    be offered to external coachbuilders. These were named
  cuzioni più svelte e leggere     B50 and B51; the first was suitable for lighter, more stream-
 to, è per le quelle più pesan-    lined cars, and the second for heavier, more voluminous de-
 dano tante magnifiche ca-         The B50 provided the underpinnings for numerous magnif-
bilimenti Farina, Viotti e an-     icent roadsters designed by Pinin Farina, Stabilimenti Farina
é, molto meno richiesta dal-       and Viotti, and even for the odd coupé (these were much
dell'epoca. L'utilizzo del più     less requested by the wealthiest customers of the time). The
 riservato, invece, a qualche      more robust B51, on the other hand, was used only for some
di rappresentanza, nella mi-       “Giardiniera” cars or, at best, state limousines, or otherwise
                                   for professional vehicles.
  per mezzi di uso professio-      The cars built on this platform, just 99 in total, were not par-
                                   ticularly successful. To an extent this was because the small
 azioni concesse dal piccolo,      engine, refined as it was, allowed only limited performance
  ore su queste pesantissime       levels when combined with these heavy bodies; mainly,
 rezzi praticati dai carrozzie-    however, it was down to the prices applied by the coach-
mente quello della berlina, il

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