Page 249 - auto sfogliabile
P. 249
e 356, si può dire costituisca The 'B' version of the Porsche 356 can be said to be the
he è stata 'tirata' nel numero backbone of the series, as it is the one produced in the larg-
est number.
ear 1960, è stata un’evoluzio- Unveiled in 1959 (as the model year 1960), it constituted a
onfronti della precedente 'A': very important evolution of the previous 'A' version: a veri-
table transformation in fact.
zione. Indeed, the modifications concerned the entire car; start-
nfatti, tutta la macchina; par- ing with the nose, it was given raised bumpers with larger
bumperettes and lower brake air intakes; the headlights
notare i paraurti rialzati con were positioned higher up at the edge of the fender which,
ni e con prese d'aria inferiori too, was raised, while the indicators and the trunk handle
ati più in alto al bordo del pa- were made larger. Laterally, the wheels were given new
gli indicatori di direzione e la rims and more elaborate hub covers, and the car was given
gagliaio più voluminosi. Late- opening side window deflectors, also on the coupé version;
cerchi ruota con copri mozzi meanwhile, at the rear, the bumper was also raised by ten
apribili alle porte anche sulla centimeters and the license plate lights were moved on it.
ne, stessa elevazione del pa- The car was similarly enhanced internally, with a dished
postamento su di esso delle steering wheel, dedicated vents for defogging the rear
window, and a shorter and sportier-looking gear lever.
qualità, con volante a calice, For greater comfort, it had improved front seats and small
sappannamento del lunotto separate niche seats in the back, a feature that Porsche
iva di lunghezza ridotta. Per has retained ever since. The model year 1961 version saw
nteriori perfezionati e picco- the introduction of a new body, the T6 in place of the T5,
d abbattibili posteriormente, which had a larger rear window and a larger hood with
che si sta portando dietro da twice as many air inlets. These changes also coincided with
1, cambia il tipo della scocca, the introduction of a larger trunk lid and a different shaped
notto ingrandito come il co-
oppiato il numero delle griglie
Classic motor vehicles