Page 265 - auto sfogliabile
P. 265
fica la Porsche nell'immagina- The 911 is the Porsche model that lives in the collective
ati nel ventesimo secolo; una imagination of all those born in the twentieth century. This
rtanza storica il cui stile nasce stylish car of extraordinary historical importance first ap-
nand Alexander Porsche, det- peared in 1963 when the model was penned by Ferdinand
r e nipote del fondatore della Alexander Porsche, known as “Butzi”, famous designer
n modello che nasce dal desi- and grandson of the founder of Porsche. Developed in the
anti anni di successi crescen- wake of years of growing success with the 356, and in a
to di rapidi miglioramenti del period that was bringing rapid improvements in the stan-
americani, di misurarsi in un dard of living of both Europeans and Americans, the 911
evato alla ricerca di maggio- was born of the company’s desire to put itself to the test in
un motore a sei cilindri nella a higher segment of the market, able to offer greater profit
'fuori bordo' del precedente margins. But the idea of placing a six-cylinder engine in the
same rear outboard position occupied by the previous “flat
della Volkswagen Maggio- four” engine (derived from the engines used on the Volk-
ficoltà nella sua realizzazione swagen Beetle) proved far from straightforward to imple-
prime migliorie apportate alle ment in practice. The first improvements made to the var-
(la vendita della 911 è iniziata ious series marketed (the 911 went on sale in 1964) were all
te volte a migliorarne il com- aimed at improving these vehicles’ road handling by nor-
o guidate dai normali utenti. mal users. In fact, when the 911 had been put through its
ata dai collaudatori della Casa, in-house tests, it had normally been driven by profession-
onisti e quindi incapaci di ma- als who, as such, were incapable of clumsy maneuvers. For
gnativa tendenza a passare in this reason, its tendency to shift suddenly from understeer
terzo al sovrasterzo in caso di to oversteer when braking on corners, a tricky situation to
rsa in maniera così accentua- manage, had not emerged with sufficient clarity. As early as
quando la gamma si allarga a model year 1968, when the range was enlarged to include
a L da 130 CV e la S da 160 CV, the T (110 HP), L (130 HP) and S (160 HP) models, all available
Coupé e Targa con tettuccio
Classic motor vehicles