Page 333 - auto sfogliabile
P. 333

giunta di una piacevolissi-      in front of the driver. In the context of this heightened
 ulle fiancate all'altezza della  simplicity, the attractive chrome trim strip on each side
 portiere. In totale ne sono      of the car, at the level of the door handle, provides a par-
800 esemplari circa, il che la    ticularly welcome contrast. The fact that this model was
 gi la versione più ambita, a     produced in a total of only around 4,800 units makes it
 a le Porsche 356. L’esempla-     a rarity and, today, one of the most sought-after among
 esportato nuovo negli Stati      the Porsche 356 models with the same engine capacity.
 l settembre del 2016, quan-      This particular 356 A T1, was exported new to the United
 a. Poco si sa della sua storia   States, where it remained until September 2016, when
 corso gli ultimi anni ameri-     it was imported into Italy. Few details of its early history
                                  are available, although it is known to have spent its last
  in California, dove è stato     years in America in Texas and then California, where it
un motore corretto per tipo       was restored. It is not a matching numbers car, although
 o matching number, ed ha         the engine is correct for the model and version. It re-
lia, un tagliando completo.       cently had a complete service in Italy. Its original engine
 le, smontato, è comunque         block, disassembled, is still available and will be sold
 to assieme all’autovettura.      together with the car. The car’s color is thought to be
 vettura possa essere quello      the correct one for this chassis. The dials are in miles and
a strumentazione è in miglia      it has four-disc brakes installed. A perfect car for rallies
co. Una vettura perfetta per      and winding roads.

                                  AUTO E MOTO CLASSICHE
                                                      Classic motor vehicles
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