Page 77 - auto sfogliabile
P. 77
Recurring dreams and memories
un Every one of these cars has something to say. Whether it is
ta a well-known, widespread model or a concept car created
sci to seduce the manufacturers at a show, you look at it and
sense that it has a story to tell – a story of journeys, pride
ria and good times, but also tricky moments, such as when its
a distributor went on strike or its battery played up because
it had not been topped up with distilled water. These are
. cars that have a past, that have gone from being new to
nno being used, perhaps from being style trendsetters to being
outdated models, or from living like queens in garages to
ù living forgotten sheds and barns. But they are also cars
ico: that, with the passing years, have found a new sense of
pride, based on the knowledge that their design is admired
once again, their engineering seen as refined, and their
interiors and dashboards recognized to be capable of
giving a driver an emotion long forgotten. Buying one of
those cars, be it the rarest or the most accessible, offers
exactly the same value: that of owning a story that is
ready to be continued.