Page 97 - auto sfogliabile
P. 97
i fondamentali nella storia The MK II is one of the key models in the history of Jag-
9 ed è presa ad esempio nel uar: it made its appearance in 1959 and became an exam-
ortive, soprattutto quando ple to be followed in the sports sedan market, especially
ore disponibile, il sei cilindri when it adopted the most powerful engine available: the
me in testa da 3,8 litri, capa- 3.8-liter, six-cylinder DOHC, capable of developing an
impressive 220 HP.
e superfici vetrate rispetto The windows were considerably enlarged compared
del 1955, insieme con i cri- with those of the first (“3.4 liter”) version, unveiled in 1955,
te circondati da cromature, and on account of this feature, together with the elegant
più belle vetture a quattro chromed frames for the side windows, it can be consid-
ered one of the most beautiful four-door vehicles of all
zata dalle ruote a raggi cro- time.
ale ed un abitacolo di rara The Jaguar MK II is characterized by its chrome wire
e legno. La vettura offerta wheels with central wheel nut, and also by the excep-
sima, ed ha vissuto una vita tionally refined elegance of its wood and leather-lined
del suo proprietario che l’ha interiors. The car offered for sale has lived an easy, trou-
appena ventiduenne. “Era ble-free life, spent entirely with its first owner who re-
miglia - ricorda il proprieta- ceived it as a gift when he was just 22 years old. “It was
niversità. I primi anni, con la registered to the family business" - he recalls - "I was still
ori son stati quelli fatti per at university at the time. For the first few years, the 3.8
ma. Ogni settimana tornavo did most of its kilometers taking me to and back from
o finito il week-end. In casa university in Rome, because I would come home to Mi-
amavo cambiarle, sceglien- lan each weekend. We had several cars at home, and I
a in volta. La Jaguar, però, liked to vary them, each time choosing which one to use.
e rimasta con me. Ho do- But the Jaguar was mine, and has always stayed with me.
o a libretto nel 2015, quan- When we sold the company in 2015, I had to get it re-reg-
Classic motor vehicles