AUCTION | Internet live
Wednesday 26 March, from 10.00 a.m. (lots 1-347) and from 2.30 p.m. (lots 348-808)
Thursday 27 March, from 10.00 a.m. (lots 809-1075) and from 2.30 p.m. (lots 1076-1483)

ESPOSIZIONE | by appointment only

Our experts are available to provide additional photos, condition reports and any further information regarding the lots for sale

Lot 1121

Château Lafite Rothschild 2005
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
WS 98/100, RP 96/100
Dalla cantina privata di un professionista del settore
From the private cellar of a wine professional

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 450

Lot 1122

Château Lafite Rothschild 2011
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
WS 94/100
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 400

Lot 1123

Château Lafite Rothschild 2015
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
WS 95/100, RP 96/100
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 500

Lot 1124

Château Latour 1970
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
WS 91/100, RP 96/100
Spalla media, capsula lievemente rotta
High shoulder, slightly broken capsule
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 200

Lot 1125

Château Latour 1985
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
WS 93/100
Spalla, etichetta macchiata e scolorita
Very high shoulder, stained and discoloured label
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 275

Lot 1126

Château Latour 1992
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
WS 90/100
Spalla, etichetta sporca e macchiata
Very high shoulder, soiled and stained label
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 225

Lot 1127

Château Latour 1995
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
RP 96/100
Etichetta macchiata, sughero lievemente depresso
Stained label, slightly depressed cork
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 250

Lot 1128

Château Latour 1996
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
RP 95/100
Etichetta lievemente macchiata
Slightly stained label
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 250

Lot 1129

Château Latour 1997
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
Etichetta e retroetichetta macchiate
Stained label and back label
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 275

Lot 1130

Château Latour 1997
1er Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
Sughero lievemente depresso
Slightly depressed cork
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Starting price: € 200

Results per page: 10 25 50