AUCTION | Internet live
Wednesday 26 March, from 10.00 a.m. (lots 1-347) and from 2.30 p.m. (lots 348-808)
Thursday 27 March, from 10.00 a.m. (lots 809-1075) and from 2.30 p.m. (lots 1076-1483)

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Lot 631

Grattamacco 2004, Podere Grattamacco
Bolgheri DOC Superiore
WS 92/100
1 bt etichetta lievemente macchiata
1 bt slightly stained label
Dalla collezione privata di un professionista del settore, bottiglie perfettamente conservate
From the private collection of a wine read all

Starting price: € 150

Lot 632

Grattamacco 2006, Podere Grattamacco
Bolgheri DOC Superiore
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 Mag)

Starting price: € 100 Ordinary vat

Lot 633

Grattamacco 2019, Podere Grattamacco
Bolgheri DOC Superiore
WS 97/100
Dalla cantina di un attento collezionista trentino
From the cellar of meticulous Trentino collector

(4 bts)

Starting price: € 100

Lot 634

Batar, Querciabella
Toscana IGT
2008 (1 bt)
2012 (1 bt)
WS 90/100
Etichette lievemente macchiate
Slightly stained labels
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(Tot. 2 bts)

Starting price: € 175

Lot 635

Batar 2013, Querciabella
Toscana IGT
WS 90/100
Etichette lievemente macchiate, capsula consumata
Slightly stained labels, scuffed capsule
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(2 bts)

Starting price: € 175

Lot 636

Batar, Querciabella
Toscana IGT
2014 (1 bt)
WS 91/100
2015 (1 bt)
WS 91/100
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(Tot. 2 bts)

Starting price: € 175

Lot 637

Selezione Querciabella
Toscana IGT
Camartina 2007
WS 91/100
Spalla, etichetta e retroetichetta lievemente sporche
Very high shoulder, slightly soiled label and back label
(1 bt)
Camartina 2012
WS 93/100
(1 bt)
Palafreno 2006
Spalla alta, etichetta sporca e strappata, read all

Starting price: € 125 Ordinary vat

Lot 638

Brunello di Montalcino, Salvioni La Cerbaiola
Brunello di Montalcino DOCG
1997 (1 bt)
WS 96/100
Spalla, etichetta sporca, consumata, strappata e scollata, retroetichetta molto sporca e strappata, collarino strappato
Very high shoulder, soiled, scuffed, torn and unglued read all

Starting price: € 175 Ordinary vat

Lot 639

La Ricolma, San Giusto a Rentennano
Toscana IGT
1999 (1 bt)
WS 91/100
Spalla, etichetta lievemente macchiata, capsula consumata
Very high shoulder, slightly stained label, scuffed capsule
2000 (1 bt)
Spalla, capsula consumata
Very high shoulder, scuffed capsule
2003 (1 bt)
read all

Starting price: € 250 Ordinary vat

Lot 640

La Ricolma 2016, San Giusto a Rentennano
Toscana IGT
WS 93/100, RP 100/100
Dalla cantina privata di un professionista del settore
From the private cellar of a wine professional

(2 bts)

Starting price: € 200

Results per page: 10 25 50