Page 79 - Aste Bolaffi - Arredi giugno 2024 Torino
P. 79

            CARLO FRANCESCO NUVOLONE 1609-1662
            San Giuseppe con Bambino
            Olio su tela.
            72 x 60 cm
            Saint Joseph with Child
            Oil on canvas.
            28.35 x 23.62 in.
            € 1.000

            Veneto, XVIII-XIX secolo
            Noce con gambe e braccioli mossi,
            fascia sagomata e schienale
            sagomato e traforato a balaustri.
            La seduta apribile.
            Usure e restauri.
            89 x 180 x 51 cm
            Veneto, 18th-19th Century
            Walnut with scrolled legs and arms,
            shaped band and shaped
            and baluster openwork backrest,
            with opening seat.
            Wear and restoration.
            35 x 70.9 x 20.1 in.
            € 500

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