Page 14 - Aste Bolaffi - Arte, maggio 2024 Torino
P. 14

            THEO VAN DOESBURG (1883/1931) E KURT SCHWITTERS (1887-1948)
            Kleine Dada Soirée  1922
            Litografia offset su carta.
            30,00 x 30,00 cm
            Nel 1922, Kurt Schwitters e Theo van Doesburg andarono in tournée per diffondere il “Vangelo di Dada”. La loro caotica campagna
            di conferenze e spettacoli ha preso d’assalto l’Olanda e questo poster era il loro merchandise ufficiale. Come il poster di una band
            contemporanea, questo volantino per la Kleine Dada Soirée era sia un oggetto d’arte, un souvenir e un programma di eventi, che
            descriveva i festeggiamenti della serata tra cui la musica ragtime di Erik Satie, l’insopportabile poesia astratta di Schwitters e qualcosa
            misteriosamente chiamato “Dadasofie” di Doesburg. Il vero punto forte dell’oggetto erano però i suoi slogan multilingue, che includevano
            “Dada est contre le futur, Dada est mort, Dada est idiota, vive Dada!”.
            Kleine Dada Soirée  1922
            Offset lithograph on paper.
            11.81 x 11.81 in.
            In 1922, Kurt Schwitters and Theo van Doesburg went on tour to spread the “Gospel of Dada”. Their chaotic campaign of lectures and
            performances took Holland by storm, and this poster was their official merch. Like a contemporary band poster, this flier for the Kleine
            Dada Soirée was both an art object, a souvenir, and an event program, describing the evening’s festivities including ragtime music by Erik
            Satie, insufferable abstract poetry by Schwitters, and something mysteriously called “Dadasofie” by Doesburg. The real highlight
            of the object though was its multilingual slogans, which included “Dada est contre le futur, Dada est mort, Dada est idiot, vive Dada!”.
            S. Wrede, The Modern Poster, The Museum of Modern Art: Distributed by New York Graphic Society Books/Little, Brown and Co 1988,
            pag. 102 n°84.
            J. Andel - M. Wilson, The Avant-Garde book 1900 - 1945, Franklin Firnance, New York 1989, pag. 38.
            Nicholas Draffin, Prints in Germany 1880-1940, Sydney, 1989, n° 7-8.
            € 8.000 - 12.000

            12   ARTE MODERNA E CONTEMPOR ANEA • Manifesti, stampe e multipli
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