Page 285 - auto sfogliabile
P. 285
rinasce il Concorso d’Ele- Sunday, April 16th, 1995 saw the revival of the Concorso
aveva debuttato nel 1929 d’Eleganza di Villa d’Este, an event that dated back to
ppio della Seconda Guerra 1929 and had been suspended after the outbreak of the
gliere la vettura più bella, Second World War. The judging committee comprised
erloni della Touring, Griffi- Carlo Felice Bianchi Anderloni, of Touring, the world fa-
l’automobile di fama mon- mous automobile historian Griffith Borgeson, director of
tron della Conolly Leather, Conolly Leather Anthony Hussey, leading American de-
or designer USA, Lorenzo signer Strother McMinn, director of Pininfarina Lorenzo
Pininfarina, Bruno Sacco il Ramacciotti, the wonderfully talented Bruno Sacco, style
stile delle Mercedes mo- creator of modern Mercedes models, and Filippo Sapino,
ma della Ghia. Col numero the “soul” of Ghia. Entrant No. 62 was an “Isotta Fraschi-
hini 8B, Imperial Landaulet, ni 8B, Imperial Landaulet, Castagna, 1931”, and it was de-
tivo recita: “La terza Isotta scribed as follows: “The third Isotta Fraschini we present
o è un modello 8B: l’evolu- is an 8B (the evolution of the series) and this is thought
uta essere l’unico esempla- to be the only surviving copy. It was exhibited at the 1931
sta al Salone di Milano del Milan Motor Show and immediately afterwards shipped
opo a New York, a seguito to New York, where it would later be purchased by pub-
William Randolph Hearst. A lisher William Randolph Hearst. However, as a result of
American” promossa dalle the "Buy American" policy promoted by his publications,
e fu costretto a cederla a Hearst was subsequently forced to sell it to a British citi-
la conservò fino agli anni zen who kept it until the 1950s. The car was later restored
cessivamente restaurata a in Paris, a lengthy project, completed in 1992. Scoring 38
rminato nel 1992.” Con 38 points, it took the public’s choice award (well ahead of
o per Referendum del Pub- the next placed Isotta Fraschini, which totaled 23 points).
aschini raggiunge i 23 pun- It was also given a very high score by the Judging Com-
massimo punteggio, que- mittee, in this case 53 points. The Isotta 8B was on a roll
Classic motor vehicles