Page 317 - auto sfogliabile
P. 317
dopoguerra, quando Am- diately after the Second World War, when Ambrosini de-
in proprio automobili inte- cided to start building his own automobiles, albeit with
nica derivata dalle Fiat. Nel Fiat-derived mechanics. In 1948, the company unveiled
motopropulsore della Fiat the Amica, which had a Fiat 500 engine and an in-house
progettato in casa e, nel designed tubular chassis, and it was followed, in 1950, by
a. Nata subito dopo la ber- the Daina. The latter was created immediately after the
ima Fiat a scocca portante, standard Fiat 1400 sedan (the first Fiat with a self-sup-
done il passo, ne eredita il porting body), of which it was a derivation, featuring a
ata da 45 a 65 CV, adottan- shorter wheelbase. However, it had the same engine,
velocità a cinque rapporti with the output increased from 45 to 65 HP and an exclu-
ilità di utilizzo, sia in pista sive five-speed gearbox that increased its scope for use,
giorni. Dotata di finiture di both on the track and on everyday roads. With its luxuri-
n pubblico raffinatissimo, la ous finishing, the Daina was aimed at a very refined pub-
rsione Cabriolet carrozzata lic. It was offered in a cabriolet version with bodywork
d in versione Coupé realiz- by Farina (as well as in a coupé version, also produced
e prodotta in meno di 200 by Bertone). The cabriolet version was produced in few-
ta in asta, una Cabriolet del er than 200 units. This one offered for sale, produced in
à da circa 10 anni, è appe- 1952, has been with the same owner for around 10 years.
ompleto che ha coinvolto la It has just completed a full restoration that involved the
gli interni. bodywork, mechanics and interiors.
Classic motor vehicles