Page 377 - auto sfogliabile
P. 377

LO V T, 1998

 hini nasce nel 1985, quando      Lamborghini’s 132 project was started in 1985, when the
olognese, di proprietà del-       Sant’Agata Bolognese-based company, owned by the
                                  Mimram family, started to think about developing a car
  a ipotizzare la vettura per     to replace the Countach. Although these were not easy
Non sono anni facili per la       years for Lamborghini, the very best resources were re-
                                  cruited to develop the new model, including designer
  questo, per lo sviluppo del     Marcello Gandini of Carrozzeria Bertone, who was asked
 utilizzate le risorse miglio-    to design its lines. Gandini, who had given shape to the
 lista Marcello Gandini, della    Miura and Countach, did not disappoint, and everyone
                                  loved the Diablo being this the name chosen for the car
  studio della linea. Gandini,    from the outset. In truth, the aesthetics of the Diablo
Miura e della Countach, non       cannot be attributed solely to Gandini given that, in 1987,
 uesto il nome scelto per la      Automobili Lamborghini was taken over by Chrysler and
tutti fin dal primo momento.      the designers in Detroit made some changes that gave
co della Diablo non è frutto      it rounder contours. From the moment it was unveiled,
el 1987, Automobili Lambor-       on January 21st, 1990, the Diablo was a must-have car.
rysler e gli stilisti di Detroit  In the course of its long life, going out of production in
he che arrotondano la for-        2001, by which time Lamborghini had already been tak-
nto della presentazione, il 21    en over by Audi , its mechanics and lines were modified
 nta la vettura da avere e, nel   and updated a number of times, yet it never lost its orig-
 scirà di produzione nel 2001,    inal character. The model being offered for sale on this
à diventata di proprietà di       occasion is a four-wheel drive car belonging to the VT
 eccanica e verrà aggiornata      series, one of around 400 produced in this particular con-
re, però, la sua connotazione     figuration between 1993 and 1998. This one, however, is
a in asta appartiene alla se-     unusual because, as the Lamborghini production sheet
                                  clearly shows, its wealthy first owner, from Monaco, or-
 4 ruote motrici, costruita in
93 ed il 1998. Questa vettura
 chiaramente riportato nella
borghini, è stata ordinata dal

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