Page 381 - auto sfogliabile
P. 381
etario monegasco, con alcu- dered it with a series of special features. To begin with,
otore, innanzitutto, è quello instead of the original 492 HP engine, it was fitted with
originali 492) preso dalla VT the 530 HP one that was part of the restyling of the VT
rso del 1998, ma, mantiene i presented later the same year (1998), yet it retained the
ci della prima versione di VT. pop-up headlamps that featured on the first version of
avy Blue Waldford speciale e the VT. The color of the interiors, Navy Blue Waldford,
zzati espressamente, fra cui i is also special, and it had various other custom features,
l’alettone posteriore in fibra including matching carpets. Externally, the car had a
o appositamente per questa carbon fiber rear wing that was specially built for it, and
mpact White, è stato realiz- it was painted to sample in a specially produced color:
VT, inoltre, ha le sospensioni Impact White. In addition, the car was given electrically
omplete di sistema di solle- adjustable suspensions, complete with a lifting system
er poter entrare nei garage (10 centimeters) designed to allow it to enter the under-
monegasca senza toccare. ground garages of the Principality without touching the
ground. Always maintained with proper care and atten-
dovute attenzioni, ancora tion, this car, currently with its third owner, is still 100%
ogni sua componente, oggi original. It has covered around 66,000 km but had its first
ca 66.000 chilometri percor- clutch replacement only around 10,000 km ago. It would
circa 10.000 chilometri fa, è make the perfect addition to the collection of any Lam-
ezione di un appassionato di borghini or supercar collector.
Classic motor vehicles