Page 389 - auto sfogliabile
P. 389

lo stile, creato da 'Synthesis     championships (in ’92 and ’93). There was a suggestion of
competizione, sono straordi-        holding a road version, too, but this never came about.
 a offerta, la numero 15 delle      The car finishes and style were the result of extraordi-
rototipi, è stata fatturata, da     narily careful work by Synthesis Design. The car offered
bili di Bolzano, Italia, il 9 Feb-  for sale, the last of the 15 series models plus 2 prototypes
endita emessa dalla Maserati        produced, was invoiced to Dima Automobili of Bolza-
                                    no, Italy, on February 9th, 1994. The sales invoice, issued
  del numero di telaio #THB-        by Maserati, gives the chassis number # THBCNU*LAG,
ente riportato sulla targhetta      which is the same as that on the chassis number plate,
 ta vicino al cambio. Sulla tra-    fixed near the gearbox. Instead, on the central beam of
e, in un posto non visibile, al     the chassis, in a position out of sight and protected from
mero di telaio stampato sulla       impact, there is chassis number #THBCNM*LAG. This is
 #THBCNM*LAG, un nume-              a number never assigned by Maserati, and is therefore
 ati e, molto probabilmente,        probably just an engraving error. Never used for rac-
 ione dell’operatore addetto.       ing, this car remained for 20 years displayed at the Best
stata conservata per 20 anni,       Auto dealership of Modena, where it was always kept in
 zioni pronte all’uso, dietro le    ready-to-use condition, before entering the collection of
 Best Auto di Modena, prima         its current owner. This very rare car is ready to have fun
ell’attuale collezionista. Raris-   and provide entertainment at track days. Car sold with
                                    bill of sale.
  divertire durante i track day.

                                    AUTO E MOTO CLASSICHE
                                                        Classic motor vehicles
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