Page 397 - auto sfogliabile
P. 397
, che ancora la rimpiange, two owners, who used it as a fun touring car for fam-
ricerche storiche. Dopo un ily trips out or for weekends in the Dolomites, as re-
uillo, con il terzo proprieta- called by its second owner, who was contacted in the
e in vettura da corsa. For- course of this historical research and told us he still
sto di preparare il motore misses it. After this quiet early life, the third owner
oni, si era preferito smon- had the 2.7 transformed into a racing car. Fortunately,
o motore cambio completo however, instead of preparing the original engine for
rsione già preparata. Così, racing, it was decided to remove the complete en-
va a correre sulle piste di gine, gearbox included, from the car and replace it
assieme agli interni ed ai with an already prepared version. Thus, while the car
estavano comodamente e was racing on the tracks of Italy, its mechanical parts,
interno di un capannone. together with its disassembled original interiors and
oprietà successivi, nulla del seats, were left safely waiting in a shed. Despite var-
tato perso ed è in questa ious subsequent changes of ownership, nothing of
è arrivato all’attuale pro- the original “package” has been lost, and this was
o collezionista Porsche di the situation when this 911 2.7 Carrera RS was pur-
questa 911 2.7 Carrera RS. chased, in 2014, by its current owner, an avid Porsche
sa applicati, la macchina, e collector from Milan. The car, still wearing its racing
ali, sono state affidate ad colors, was entrusted, together with its original com-
Classic motor vehicles