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Lotto 1141

Château Lynch-Bages 1995
5ème Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
Dalla cantina privata di un professionista del settore
From the private cellar of a wine professional

(2 bts)

Base asta: € 200

Lotto 1142

Château Lynch-Bages 1996
5ème Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
Dalla cantina privata di un professionista del settore
From the private cellar of a wine professional

(2 bts)

Base asta: € 200

Lotto 1143

Château Lynch-Bages
5ème Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
1995 (1 bt)
1996 (1 bt)
1997 (1 bt)
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(Tot. 3 bts)

Base asta: € 300

Lotto 1144

Château Lynch-Bages 2004
5ème Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(3 bts)

Base asta: € 300

Lotto 1145

Château Lynch-Bages
5ème Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
2003 (1 bt)
2005 (1 bt)
WS 93/100
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(Tot. 2 bts)

Base asta: € 200

Lotto 1146

Château Lynch-Bages 2019
5ème Grand Cru Classé, Pauillac
WS 96/100, RP 96/100
Cassa originale in legno
Original wooden case
Dalla cantina di un attento collezionista trentino
From the cellar of meticulous Trentino collector

(6 bts)

Base asta: € 500

Lotto 1147

Château Margaux 1985
1er Grand Cru Classé, Margaux
Spalla, etichetta lievemente macchiata, capsula lievemente consumata
Very high shoulder, slightly stained label, slightly scuffed capsule
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Base asta: € 225 Più IVA ordinaria

Lotto 1148

Château Margaux 1993
1er Grand Cru Classé , Margaux
Spalla, etichetta lievemente macchiata, capsula lievemente consumata
Very high shoulder, slightly stained label, slightly scuffed capsule
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Base asta: € 175 Più IVA ordinaria

Lotto 1149

Château Margaux 1997
1er Grand Cru Classé, Margaux
WS 90/100, RP 95/100
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Base asta: € 275

Lotto 1150

Château Margaux 1997
1er Grand Cru Classé, Margaux
WS 90/100, RP 95/100
Collezionista privato
Private collector

(1 bt)

Base asta: € 200

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