Page 145 - Aste Bolaffi - Arredi giugno 2024 Torino
P. 145

            Hunts & Roskell, Londra, 1862-1863
            Sbalzato e cesellato con putti
            e scene bucoliche, sul fronte un cartiglio   434
            con monogramma inciso, sul collo   FIASCHETTA IN ARGENTO
            una dedica incisa.                Londra, fine del XIX secolo       435
            222 g                             Bombata, rettangolare ad angoli smussati,   TANKARD IN ARGENTO
            10,5 x 10,5 x 8 cm                liscia, un monogramma sormontato da   Londra, 1889-1890
            Silver-gilt goblet                cimiero inciso sul fronte.        Terracotta dipinta a finto avorio,
            Hunts & Roskell, London, 1862-1863  236 g                           con tralci d’uva, putti, fauni e baccanti,
            Embossed and chiselled with cherubs   16,5 x 9 x 2,5 cm             con collo e coperchio in argento.
            and bucolic scenes, on the front   Silver flask                     26,5 x 22 x 14 cm
            a cartouche with engraved monogram,   London, late 19th Century     Silver Tankard
            on the neck an engraved dedication.  Rectangular with rounded corners, smooth,   London, 1889-1890
            222 g                             a monogram surmounted by a crest   Faux-ivory painted terracotta, with grape
            4.1 x 4.1 x 3.1 in.               engraved on the front.            shoots, putti, fauns and bacchantes,
            Provenienza/Provenance            236 g                             with silver neck and lid.
            Piave Antichità, Milano           6.5 x 3.5 x 1 in.                 10.4 x 8.7 x 5.5 in.
            Collezione privata, Milano        € 250                             € 400
            € 200

            XIX-XX secolo
            Il più grande Gorham, USA, con decoro
            di volatile e foglie e dedica incisi ed altri
            quattro, Inghilterra, XIX-XX secolo. 558 g
            Boccale Gorham 9 x 11 x 8 cm
            Group of five miniature silver mugs
            19th-20th Century
            The largest Gorham, USA, with bird
            and leaves decoration and engraved
            dedication and four others, England,
            19th-20th Century. 558 g
            Gorham mug 3.5 x 4.3 x 3.1 in.
            € 500 (5)

            Inghilterra, XIX-XX secolo
            Noce, con cuscino pendente e seduta rivestiti in stoffa
            a decori geometrici su sfondo rigato. Usure.
            102 x 48 x 64 cm
            Folding armchair
            England, 19th-20th Century
            Walnut, with leaning cushion and seat covered in striped
            with geometric decorations fabric. Wear.
            40.2 x 18.9 x 25.2 in.
            € 100

                                                                                    Furniture, paintings and works of art  143
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