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P. 117
Tre studi per scultura
China su carta.
28 x 22 cm
Firmato al recto sotto il disegno, al verso etichetta/scheda galleria Marlborough, Roma con timbri dell’archivo fotografico Lucio Fontana,
Milano e Frankfurter Westen Galerie, Francoforte.
Opera archiviata presso la Fondazione Lucio Fontana, Milano 2008.
Three studies for sculpture
Ink on paper
11.02 x 8.66 in.
Signed on the recto under the drawing, on the reverse label/card Marlborough gallery, Rome with stamps of the Lucio Fontana
photographic archive, Milan and Frankfurter Westen Galerie, Frankfurt.
Artwork archived at the Lucio Fontana Foundation, Milan 2008.
€ 3.500 - 7.000
Modern and Contemporary Art 115