Page 305 - auto sfogliabile
P. 305
0 SS “FRECCIA D'ORO”, 1948
nsiderata come l’Alfa Romeo Many regard the Alfa 6C 2500 as the classic Alfa Romeo par
perfetta per essere guidata, excellence. It is perfect to drive, even in today’s traffic, thanks
raffico attuali, grazie a cop- to its lively torque and considerable power; it has lines that
a una linea che è invecchia- have aged very well, and indeed acquired further charm with
stato ulteriore fascino con il the passing of the years; and it is rare, yet without being so
a, ma non così unica da non unique that it is impossible to find spares or specialists capa-
in grado di metterci le mani. ble of looking after it. The “6C” remained in production over a
re “6C”, complice anche l’in- long span of time, partly as result of the unavoidable decline
da guerra mondiale, è stata in activity during the war years: first unveiled in 1927, with a ca-
ndrata di 1,5 litri, è uscito de- pacity of 1.5 liters, it was finally withdrawn from production in
1954, after having been used on racing cars (including winning
nel 1954, dopo aver corso (e ones) and also on various series of road cars dressed by the
ato su svariate serie di vettu- most important coachbuilders. By 1938 the 6C had reached a
importanti carrozzieri. È nel capacity of 2500 cc, but the outbreak of the war meant that
a ad una capacità di 2500 cc the company was forced to reduce production to a minimum
za ad una produzione mini- for the following eight years. Finally, in 1946, the 6C 2500 en-
i. Finalmente, nel 1946 la 6C tered its full production phase. The first model was called the
oduttiva ed il primo modello Freccia d’Oro, and it can be recognized by the chassis number,
atterizzato dal numero di te- which starts with 916. This model was produced up until 1951
6. Ne verranno prodotti 680 for a total of 680 units. All these were bodied by Alfa Romeo
arrozzati dalla stessa Alfa Ro- itself, as the company, needing to find work for its workforce,
avoro per le sue maestranze was happy to add bodywork production to its in-house activ-
all’interno della sua fabbrica ities. The car offered for sale, chassis #916.003, which rolled off
tura offerta, telaio #916.003, the production line on January 27th 1948, equipped with its
8, con il suo motore originale original engine No. 926.318, was delivered in Milan, where, on
a a Milano, dove, il 9 marzo March 9th 1948, it received the registration number: MI 113630.
on si hanno tracce del telaio
Classic motor vehicles