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            MIMMO PALADINO  1948
            Lotto di quattro litografie della cartella ‘Matematico’  2001
            Acquaforte e acquatinta a colori su carta Arches, ed. X/XXV.
            56 x 76 cm
            Ciascuna firmata e numerata al recto in basso. Una con numerazione diversa: XVIII/XXV.
            Quattro (fogli 2,3,4,5) delle sei tavole della cartella “Matematico” edita da Art of this Century, New York, stampa Arte 3, Milano.
            Tutte incorniciate.
            Lot of four lithographs from the ‘Matematico’ folder  2001
            Color etching and aquatint on Arches paper, ed. X/XXV.
            22.05 x 29.92 in.
            Each signed and numbered lower recto. One with a different numbering: XVIII/XXV.
            Four (sheets 2,3,4,5) of the six plates in the “Mathematical” folder published by Art of this Century, New York, Arte 3 press, Milan.
            All framed.
            € 600 - 1.200 (4)

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