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            OMAR GALLIANI  1954
            Blu (The Dream of Eurasia n°6)  2012
            Dittico, tavole in legno, stampate con
            tecnologia inkjet ultravioletta con
            interventi a mano dell’autore, ed. 11/20.
            120 x 120 cm
            Ciascuna tavola firmata al verso
            su etichetta/scheda con codice
            identificativo. Dittico del progetto per
            la Biennale di Venezia, 2012, basato
            sull’opera del 2007 “Mantra”, stampato
            da Mazzotta Art.
            Blu (The Dream of Eurasia n°6)  2012
            Diptych, wooden plates, printed with
            ultraviolet inkjet technology with hand
            interventions by the author, ed. 11/20.
            47.24 x 47.24 in.
            Each wooden plate is signed on
            the reverse on label/card with
            identification code. Diptych of the
            project for the Venice Biennale, 2012,
            based on the 2007 work “Mantra”,
            printed by Mazzotta Art.
            Little Nemo, Torino.
            Collezione privata, Milano.
            € 1.000 - 2.000 (2)

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