Page 45 - Aste Bolaffi - Arredi, dipinti e oggetti d'arte, maggio 2023 Torino
P. 45

            ANTONIO TEMPESTA   1555-1630
            Olio su tela.
            90 x 70 cm
            Oil on canvas.
            35.43 x 27.56 in.
            € 3.000

                                  XX secolo
                                  Legno intagliato e dorato, con base rotonda, zampe ferine e fusto
                                  a balaustro scanalato con nodi a decoro vegetale, trasformato a
                                  lampada a tre luci, con paralume in stoffa panna e passamaneria.
                                  142 cm
                                  Candle holder
                                  20th Century
                                  Carved and gilded wood, with round base, feral feet and fluted
                                  baluster stem with knots with vegetal decoration, transformed into
                                  a three-light lamp, with cream fabric lampshade and trimmings.
                                  55.9 in.
                                  € 150

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