Page 31 - Aste Bolaffi - Arredi giugno 2024 Torino
P. 31

                 CoppiA di pAndA
                 Cina, XX secolo
                 Metallo con decorazione a smalti cloisonné.
                 15 x 12 x 19 cm
                 Pair of pandas
                 China, 20th Century
                 Metal with cloisonné enamel decoration.
                 5.9 x 4.7 x 7.5 in.
                 € 200 (2)

                 VASo A doppiA zuCCA Con CoperChio
                 Cina, XX secolo
                 Metallo cloisonné decorato con motivi floreali,
                 su base in legno sagomata.
                 34 x 15 x 7 cm
                 Double pumpkin jar with lid
                 China, 20th Century
                 Metal with cloisonné enamel, decorated with
                 floral motifs, on shaped wooden base.
                 13.4 x 5.9 x 2.8 in.
                 € 100

                 Cina, XX secolo
                 Legno ebanizzato, scolpito e traforato
                 a decoro floreale, con gambe ad ansa
                 unite da traverse e piano in marmo.
                 48 x 40 x 40 cm
                 China, 20th Century
                 Carved and openwork ebonized wood
                 with floral decoration, with scrolled legs
                 joined by crosspieces and marble top.
                 18.9 x 15.7 x 15.7 in.
                 € 200

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