Page 42 - Best Bid 7 | 2017
P. 42

1997 - CAROL RAmA
mARKER ON PAPER, IN. 6,70 X 9,45

€ 1.000

 CaroL raMa

beauty next to intelligence

Carol Rama passed away just over a year ago in her Turin, in her with joy and melancholy mixed together. And especially with

home-studio on Via Napione which will soon become a home- anger. My paintings will appeal to anyone who has suffered.”

museum. A grand age of 97, her long hair plaited around her

forehead, her face marked with wrinkles, great pain and passion, Art as a way to express our inner selves, almost vomiting all that

the one true constant of her life.                            interior anguish and blues: nightmares, desire, passion, pain and

                                                              grief, but also joie de vivre and unconditional wonder at life

It is impossible to describe her art: Carolina Rama was a true and beauty. “Work, painting, for me has always been something

outsider in the way she lived her life, the way she talked and how that made me feel less unhappy, less poor, less unattractive and

and what she created. Everything about her was revolutionary, even less ignorant… I paint to heal myself.”

irregular and innovative. An artist tout court, romantically

attached to an almost bohemian model. her                                 A successful, acclaimed and innovative career

life was complicated, dotted with pain and      an artist tout court,     which also involved great intellectual bonds:
trauma, which over the years she learned to                               Felice Casorati was her guide in the early

work through and exorcise in the only way she   romantically              years, the poet Edoardo sanguineti would

knew how: creating. “I paint by instinct and I  attached to an almost     write memorable pages about her work while
paint with passion. And with anger, violence       bohemian model         massimo mila and Carlo mollino were always
and sorrow. And with a certain fetishism. And                             sources of new stimuli and ideas and gallerist

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